Blogs, podcasts, videos & more....

Below you will find my articles, discussions, news, blogs, musings, podcasts, webinars, videos and more. All together this makes up what I call the #NousOfFraser. This page is updated on a regular basis.

The Yakking Show
A quick-fire 30 mins chat on a variety of business topics
BobblePod with Manni Singh
A chat on the BobblePod podcast about my business journey and my learnings from it
statsdrone with John Wright
an affiliate-focused podcast but we also covered staff, teams and recruitment.
Zeal Talk with Jane Slimming
A podcast interview covering my business journey, learnings and writing a murder mystery
peer-to-peer business mentoring group
What is a peer-to-peer business mentoring group? And how could it help me?
What it's like working with Phil Fraser and what are the positive benefits - an interview
The top 10 articles from the 'Nous of Fraser' by page views for 2022
Deadlines - time management
F alse... U neccessary... C hristmas... D eadlines. How do we deal with them?
11 traps to avoid when buying a business
What are the 11 traps to avoid when buying a business?
LinkedIn algorithm report
The answer to all of your LinkedIn content related questions is here.