Blogs, podcasts, videos & more....

Below you will find my articles, discussions, news, blogs, musings, podcasts, webinars, videos and more. All together this makes up what I call the #NousOfFraser. This page is updated on a regular basis.

if any of the topics covered below resonate with you and you’d like me to help you solve the problems that you are experiencing as a Business Owner please join my  waiting list or connect with me on  LinkedIn

Kitchen table to PLC sale in 18 years
A brisk 20 minute run through my business journey. The presentation was delivered to Barclays Eagle Labs webinar attendees in March 2021.
video testimonial
Here is a video testimonial from a client,, after a recent Sounding Board session with me.
Two free webinars covering my business journey from 'Kitchen table start-up to multi-million pound sale to a PLC'.
Sliding Doors Moment
There was one MAJOR Sliding Doors moment in my business journey very early on that had a big effect on what eventually happened.
Next Up
NextUp published a case study/interview with a mentee. Such great feedback makes voluntary work so rewarding.
Why do I need a Business Coach? Why hire / use a Business Coach or Mentor? Why might you even want a Business Coach? Here's 10 reasons...
LMS Lounge
I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by Louisa van Vessem, as part of her 'LMS Lounge series. Our wide ranging talk covered a huge range of topics....
business mastermind
A webinar on buying, growing and selling a business, plus discussions on beanbags, baristas and much more....
Shiny New Object Syndrome
Shiny New Object Syndrome - What is it? How do you stop it? Do you want to stop it? An in-depth look at some solutions to Shiny New Object Syndrome
what does a business sounding board do?
What does a Business Sounding Board do? You’re a ‘Business Sounding Board’? What’s one of those? What does a ‘Business…