Blogs, podcasts, videos & more....

Below you will find my articles, discussions, news, blogs, musings, podcasts, webinars, videos and more. All together this makes up what I call the #NousOfFraser. This page is updated on a regular basis.

if any of the topics covered below resonate with you and you’d like me to help you solve the problems that you are experiencing as a Business Owner please join my  waiting list or connect with me on  LinkedIn

podcast guest
Fancy some free marketing? Be a podcast guest….. One of the biggest current media growth areas is podcasting with a…
Lets launch a podcast
'Hey, why don’t we launch a podcast...'. it's not as easy as it looks!
The top 10 articles from the 'Nous of Fraser' by page views for 2022
LinkedIn algorithm report
The answer to all of your LinkedIn content related questions is here.
Micro Niche Mastery Ziv Raviv
30 minute podcast covering building and marketing a business in a micro niche
New product pricing strategies
How do you decide the price of a new product? Here's 4 (plus 7 more) strategies
How to boost your LinkedIn profile in 5 minutes
That's it. 5 minutes only. The upside to you is HUGE.
marketing optimist
Marketing Optimist Interview I was invited to talk to the guys at The Marketing Optimist as part of their Marketing…
Mantra Media
I was interviewed by Sheffield (and Tokyo !) based Digital Marketing agency Mantra Media as part of their Entrepreneur Series.
I was invited onto the Affiliate Insider Podcast' to discuss my learnings from my time owning WhichBingo.