Blogs, podcasts, videos & more....

Below you will find my articles, discussions, news, blogs, musings, podcasts, webinars, videos and more. All together this makes up what I call the #NousOfFraser. This page is updated on a regular basis.

work prioritisation
A common problem - The ‘To Do’ list that never seems to get shorter. So what is the answer for effective Work Prioritisation?
Time Management
10 issues that affect the amount of time that we actually have in our working days to manage, before we even get to prioritising our workload.
Employee Engagement
How some simple team research, helped a client and with it a by-product of some great employee engagement.
Business Strategy Plan
A interactive webinar on the subject of my 5 Step Business Strategy Plan; aka FFS !! (The 'Fraser Five Step') Part of Leeds Digital Festival 2020.
Lets launch a podcast
Watch and hear me on various podcasts and video interviews on a range of business topics. A library of all of my online appearances.
Jonny Ross
Back in July 2020 I sat down for a chat with Jonny Ross, the owner of Fleek Marketing and organiser of the Facebook 'Yorkshire Business Club' group.
Business Strategy FFS
In this podcast I discuss the FFS ('Fraser Five Step'), my simple five-part business strategy planning tool, and the essential question that brings it all together.
Delegation is one of those skills that people under-estimate in terms of learning demand. It is one of the most powerful tools in a business owner's toolkit.
Importance vs Urgency
The ‘Matrix of Importance vs Urgency’ from Stephen Covey's book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'.