You have a fantastic new business idea. Great news. I seem to post content regularly about new business ideas so you’ve come to the right place.

In previous posts both here, online and on LinkedIn I’ve covered things like;

* That was MY idea – when you see someone else launch that idea you’ve had rolling around in your head for years

* JFDI – what’s the worst that could happen if you do launch

* The dangers of Shiny New Object syndrome

…and more.

But this week I’ve seen two examples of people taking the HARDEST step in the NBI (‘New Business Idea’) journey.

What’s the hardest step in the NBI journey I hear you ask?

IMHO the hardest step is the very first time you share your NBI with someone else. Its been in your head, and then on paper for ages, but now you’re telling the world ! Exposing yourself and your idea. The fear, the potential embarrassment, the mocking, the endless questioning, the Imposter Syndrome, the ‘WTAF are you thinking’…. OMG it will be a nightmare !!


You won’t be mocked. You won’t be judged. You won’t be laughed out of the room.

  • You will be supported.
  • You will be encouraged.
  • You will be positively critiqued.
  • You will receive invaluable feedback.

I promise, you will go away from that first tentative reveal overflowing with stimulus, ideas, motivation and determination and a new energy to make your NBI a reality.

How do I know this?

1) A very close friend ‘exposed himself to me’ this week with his NBI.

2) I ‘exposed myself’ to a number of people with my NBI (details to follow soon…)

And in both cases it was nowhere near as scary as you would imagine.

new business idea? Go on... share it with someone

So go on…. to mangle a Madonna song ‘Expose Yourself’. Take that first scary step.

If you’ve ‘exposed yourself’ like this, tell me what it felt like, and what happened when you first shared your NBI the first time…. and how did you feel afterwards…. I’d love to hear from you.

And of course, if you want a safe, secure and confidential place to share your own NBI I’d be more than happy to listen – no charge involved.

If you found this article of interest, and you’d like to receive great advice, tips and tales to help you on your business journey, make sure you don’t miss out. Sign up to my free newsletter.

What Next?

I’m a ‘Business Sounding Board‘ and if you are a Business Owner and you’d like to discuss how I could help you on your business journey, and avoid you being ‘lonely at the top’ then please give me a call, drop me an email or connect with me on LinkedIn.

I’ll be happy to have chat with you to explore how I may be able to help you. I’ll be honest and I may not be able to help you myself and in that scenario I’ll try and point you in the right direction. However, you might find a peer-to-peer business mentoring group is better for you.

Still unsure if I can help you? Take a look at What you’ll get from me and what my clients say about me.

contact me 


07960 490416


