What is a Business Sounding Board?
And how can I help you?
Working on your business….
It’s a cliche but I give you the opportunity to work on your business rather than in your business; an opportunity to look at the wood not trees. I’m your new pairs of ears and an extra pair of eyes.
Freedom and space…
I won’t judge. I have no bias. No ‘agenda’. I give you the freedom and space to talk openly about the challenges and opportunities you face, and as much time & space as you need. All in complete confidentiality.
Stuck, frustrated, unsure…
Maybe you are stuck, frustrated, too frantic, or to clarify your strategic options going forward. Talking it through can help. Simply a fresh perspective may be all that you need.
Explore your options…
I allow you to explore your options, ideas and thoughts in full. You can ask the ‘what if we….’ or ‘how about this…..’ or ‘what does this sound like…..’ All of the things that you can’t discuss with your management team.
Getting to your answers…
I may not have the answers to your questions, but I have the questions that get you to your answers. ‘Why do you do that?’ ‘Have you considered this’? These questions and more could well open up all of your options….
The clarity result….
My aim is to help you by listening and talking through your situation to get you to a CLEAR target objective, perhaps a list of issues to address & clarify, and a roadmap to SUCCESS, whatever that might be.
Let’s sit down, have a chat and see where, and if, I can help you.
Understanding the term ‘Business Sounding Board’
When I tell people that I’m a ‘Business Sounding Board’ their first question is always “What is a Business Sounding Board?” Once I’ve explained it, people will often then try and pigeon-hole me. They often use phrases like ‘Business Mentor’ or ‘Business Coach’ or even ‘Non-Exec Director’ (NED). I’m none of them but I’m also probably a bit of each of them too.

The definition of a ‘Sounding Board’
Before you can fully explain what it is that a Business Sounding Board can offer you, it is worthwhile exploring the existing definitions and understandings of the term itself.
A simple Google search of the definition of a ‘Sounding Board’, as can be seen below is ‘a person or group whose reactions to suggested ideas are used as a test of their validity or likely success before they are made public.’

The Collins English Dictionary describes it in a slightly simpler way as ‘If you use someone as a sounding board, you discuss your ideas with them in order to get another opinion.’
Wikipedia meanwhile gives a much fuller definition; ‘A Sounding Board may also be used figuratively to describe a person who listens to a speech or proposal in order that the speaker may rehearse or explore the proposition more fully. The term is also used inter-personally to describe one person listening to another, and especially to their ideas. When a person listens and responds with comments, they provide a perspective that otherwise would not be available through introspection or thought alone.’
To a degree they are all correct. However I would raise issues with ‘testing …likely success’ or ‘to get another opinion’. I do not believe it is the role of a Business Sounding Board to give a thumbs up or thumbs down on an idea, proposal, solution or concept.
A Business Sounding Board is not some sort of Nero-like figure, pre-determining the fate of a new business idea, to proclaim ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Listening skills
It is highly noteworthy to see that the Wikipedia definition above uses the word ‘listen/listening’ three times. I highlight this point for good reason. I believe that this is one of the key points of the role of a good Business Sounding Board; the ability to listen.
Unless you listen you cannot even begin to understand the issue at hand. However, before you can listen you must be able to ask the right questions.
Asking the right questions
The Google definition uses the phrase ‘test of their validity’ whilst Collins uses ‘discuss your ideas’ and Wikipedia ‘explore the proposition more fully’. All three of these, in their own way, get to the nub of the start point for a person using a Business Sounding Board. It is all about a person verbalising an idea (or proposal, opportunity or problem). The next stage is the Sounding Board dismantling, investigating, prodding and poking it.
Looking at an issue from different angles and perspectives, rolling alternatives around and stress-testing theories is not something that can fully be done by a person on their own. This is where a Business Sounding Board comes in.
The greatest skill of a good Sounding Board is to extrapolate as much thinking and consideration as possible. This can only be done through intelligent, investigative and pertinent questioning.
Business experience
Many people are good listeners, as well as having good questioning skills and thus have the makings of a good Sounding Board. However when it comes to be being a good Business Sounding Board, there is another key aspect that needs to be present. This is business experience, ideally decades of business experience; the blood, sweat and tears ‘been there and got the t-shirt’. Such experience means that the right questions are asked, the right buttons pressed and the right pain points are prodded.
You have to know the right questions to ask in order to get the most useful answers and insights. It iss very hard to bring credibility and understanding to the table if you haven’t ‘been there, done that’.
There is a fourth point that isn’t identified in the above definitions. It is one that is probably specific only to a Sounding Board in a commercial or business environment. That key point is ‘neutrality’. That neutrality comes in the form of independence, lack of bias, the absence of any company politics or agenda. It ensures trustworthiness and confidentiality.
For a Sounding Board to be truly effective for the person in front of them, the person must feel the freedom to be able to put ‘all of their cards on the table’ without fear of any negative comeback. All of the issues can’t be discussed fully and openly if there isn’t full disclosure. In many business scenarios this openness is not possible. An effective Business Sounding Board makes that possible.
The definition of a ‘Business Sounding Board’
I would propose therefore that the definition of a Business Sounding Board is as follows;
“A Business Sounding Board is someone that allows a business person the freedom, time and space to talk openly about their challenges and opportunities, by means of quality questioning and active listening, and thus facilitates the discussion and exploration of their options in full, in total confidentiality, leading to a clear and focussed strategy going forward.”
Do you need a Business Sounding Board?
If any of the following scenarios strike a chord with you then you may benefit from having a Business Sounding Board;
* Looking for guidance from someone who can help you avoid making mistakes in your business journey.
* Feeling excited about your new business but unsure about how to take it forward.
* Currently outside your comfort zone and looking for someone who has done it before and can support you.
* Feeling unsure, worried and challenged. Somebody to tell you that you are either barking up the wrong tree or to clarify your next steps.
* Needing some objectivity and an honest view. ‘Am I doing the right thing’?
* Feelings of confusion, insecurity and loss of direction.
* Needing guidance and someone from the outside looking in.
* Feeling drained and frustrated by your business and needing some pointers as to where to go next.
* Feeling lonely at the top and just needing someone to talk to about all of the issues owning a business throws up.
* Wanting to be challenged and needing to fully explore what your options are moving forward.
if any of the above resonated with you and you’d like me to help you solve the problems that you are experiencing as a Business Owner please join my waiting list or connect with me on LinkedIn.
What Next?
I’m a ‘ Business Sounding Board‘ and if you are a Business Owner and you’d like to discuss how I could help you on your business journey, and avoid you being ‘lonely at the top’ then please give me a call, drop me an email or connect with me on LinkedIn.
I’ll be happy to have chat with you to explore how I may be able to help you. I’ll be honest and I may not be able to help you myself and in that scenario I’ll try and point you in the right direction. However, if I’m not right for you, you might find one of the other Leeds Business Coaches is better for you.
Still unsure if I can help you? Take a look at What you’ll get from me and what my clients say about me.