Lucy Pimblott

Get in touch with Phil and get his thoughts on your issue. He does make a great Sounding Board!

I was stuck for ideas of routes to contact a specific audience, 15 mins on the phone to Phil and I had a potential solution. The idea of treating the problem as we would for one of our clients, doing a discovery session, carrying out a deep dive on the issue was a great one. So straightforward and yet so impactful. It was great to be talked through the process and to come out with a potential solution so quickly. I’d messaged Phil and within minutes he’d replied and we were on a call. The immediacy with which Phil contacted me was very impressive and meant a lot. Rather than having to book a session in a few days’ time, I had something to work on within the hour. I would highly recommend anyone who is at a bit of road block with their business or their thinking to get in touch with Phil and get his thoughts on your issue. He does make a great Sounding Board! Thanks so much Phil!

Lucy Pimblott
Relationship Builder
Marketing Optimist

Phil Fraser - Business Sounding Board

Lucy Pimblott
Relationship Builder
Marketing Optimist

Lucy Pimblott
I was stuck for ideas of routes to contact a specific audience, 15 mins on the phone to Phil and I had a potential solution. The idea of treating the problem as we would for one of our clients, doing a discovery session, carrying out a deep dive on the issue was a great one. So straightforward and yet so impactful. It was great to be talked through the process and to come out with a potential solution so quickly. I’d messaged Phil and within minutes he’d replied and we were on a call. The immediacy with which Phil contacted me was very impressive and meant a lot. Rather than having to book a session in a few days’ time, I had something to work on within the hour. I would highly recommend anyone who is at a bit of road block with their business or their thinking to get in touch with Phil and get his thoughts on your issue. He does make a great Sounding Board! Thanks so much Phil!

contact me 


07960 490416


